A drawing of a blood tube and butterfly needle with the caption, 4 steps to prepare an autistic child for a blood draw, learn with emily dot com

4 Steps to Prepare an Autistic Child for a Blood Draw

Periodically throughout a child’s life, their doctor may order blood work to get more information about their health. This medical procedure may be scary for any child. The following steps and materials can be used to help an autistic child, or any child who may experience anxiety with the unknown, prepare for the medical procedure […]

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image of 5 toy bees and a hive with the caption, structured teaching: a simple bee activity, learn with emily dot com

Structured Teaching: A Simple Bee Activity

Structured teaching tasks are designed to add visual clarity to a task. Toys that are already owned can be utilized in simple put-in activities. Appropriate toys can also be purchased for this purpose. Toys are appropriate for early learning structured activities, particularly for children who have limited play skills. This Simple Bee Activity is an […]

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Video Modeling in 6 easy steps learn with emily dot com

Video Modeling in 6 Easy Steps

Video modeling is a research based instructional strategy for teaching new skills to children with autism. Video modeling is actually more effective than live modeling for children on the spectrum. Skills are acquired more quickly and better generalized when compared to live modeling (Charlop-Christy, Le, & Freeman, 2000). Video modeling would also be appropriate for other populations who […]

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Considerations for creating effective video models for individuals with autism learn with emily dot com

Considerations for Creating Effective Video Models for Autism

There are many ways to teach new skills. One way is to create video models for autism of a skill or activity sequence. Research has demonstrated that video models are an effective way to teach individuals with autism a variety of new skills. Research also tells us ways to make our video models more effective. What does […]

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Research base for using video models with children who have autism

Research Base for Using Video Models with Autistic Individuals

Video modeling is an instructional technique where a video is used to demonstrate a particular skill or activity. Video modeling has been effectively used with individuals who have autism. The following list is a brief summary of skills researchers have taught individuals with autism using video models. Video Models can be effectively used to: increase conversational […]

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